
How to Organize a Business Lunch Meeting

By December 7, 2021 August 12th, 2022 No Comments
how to organize a business lunch meeting

Lunchtime can be a great time to hold an informal meeting with your team. Before you book a conference room, make sure you prepare for success. Providing lunch for your team can help you prepare for success.

Cons of a Business Lunch Meeting

There are a few advantages and disadvantages of business lunch meetings. Some of the drawbacks include:

  • Some team members may prefer to get a break for lunch.
  • Food and casual chatter can be distracting.
  • They require planning for food.

But, the benefits of a well-organized catered lunch far outweighs the possible negatives, especially when it comes to employee morale.

how catered lunches boost employee moralePros of Business Lunch Meeting

Lunch business meetings have these benefits for businesses:

  • Lunch puts everyone in a good mood and can fuel your team to get down to work.
  • Buying lunch for your team is a nice treat for your hard-working group.
  • Lunch meetings tend to be more open for creativity, brainstorming and new ideas.
  • Lunch meetings can foster casual conversation, which can build your company culture.

planning a business lunch meetingPlanning a Lunch for Business Meetings

To have a business team meeting that incorporates lunch, you’ll want to have a plan in place. Here a few business meeting lunch ideas to keep in mind:

  • Create a meeting space for eating and work. A conference room or area where people can eat their meals can be ideal, but outdoor meetings can also work, weather permitting. Make sure you have power if you need devices during the meeting.
  • Consider food first. Catering can impact the meeting’s tone and flow. If you have a buffet, you will need more space. If you choose boxed lunch catering, you can meet at a conference room easily. In any case, make sure to choose a reliable provider who will deliver good food on time.
  • Tell team members about the meeting. Give team members plenty of time to let you know about allergies or dietary restrictions, browse the menu and select a meal.
  • Create a meeting plan. Before the meeting, create a goal and an plan. Since food is involved, consider when you will eat. Eating beforehand may make sense, so food will not interrupt your work. You can also arrange catering towards the end of the meeting as a closing treat. Try to keep the meeting schedule flexible to allow people to use the washroom, eat at their own pace and enjoy the casual feel of lunch meetings.

How Apple Spice Can Help With Your Working Lunch Meeting

Apple Spice can streamline box lunch catering with meals delivered fresh to everyone’s specifications. Business teams of all sizes across the country await our sandwich and lunch combos. We take extra care to prepare every boxed lunch with premium ingredients and amazing flavor combinations, making your lunch box meeting delicious and productive.

We help your meeting run smoothly by delivering food correctly and on time. Browse our boxed lunch catering options and find a location near you for your next meeting.

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